The most awaited season of the year has finally come. The most joyous month is here at least. At times it makes me really wonder what life would be without December. Something is indeed very special on this season, which brings about changes not only in the atmosphere but also in our zest of life and living.
Yes, the air begins to get cooler especially in the mornings when the field and remaining forests are embraced and kissed by the fog that slowly descends upon the earth. The first streak of light that pierces the darkness of earth is the sign of life. the stillness of the dawn which has long been awakened by the crowning of the fowls and singing of the birds only add more color and harmony to the many fabrics of creation, all for the beauty of life and for the joy of mankind.
Yes, we may not have snow in the Philippines to behold and touch as the music lanes blast to the tune of 'White Christmas' like I grew up in my home country Germany. But out in the grassy fields, as you feel the earth with your feet, the fog and the dew give testimony that the earth is still full of life.
December is Christmas, although Christmas in the Philippines is much more different then in Germany. I am looking forward to my 10th Christmas in the Philippines. I love it here. I learned something here: December and Christmas should be the song to awaken our hardened hearts, to touch those people around us, who might have waited a long time for such a move.
Einen frohen und besinnlichen 1. Advent!
This might not be the typical expat blog, written by a German expat, living in the Philippines since 1999. It's different. In English and in German. Check it out! Enjoy reading! Dies mag' nun wirklich nicht der typische Auswandererblog eines Deutschen auf den Philippinen sein. Er soll etwas anders sein. In Englisch und in Deutsch! Viel Spass beim Lesen!
You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?
There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hochzeitspaten auf den Philippinen: Ninong und Ninang
I guess, it has been the 45th wedding for me being invited as godfather (or Ninong). Criselda (one of my students) got married to Thomas from Germany.
Hochzeitspaten auf den Philippinen nehmen immer Ehrenplaetze ein. Anders als der Taufpate legt sich der Hochzeitspate ueber Nacht zwei erwachsene Kinder zu, die dabei sind, verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben in der Gesellschaft zu uebernehmen, so dass seine Verpflichtung, beim Aufbau einer Karriere zu helfen, viel unmittelbar auf ihn zukommt. Nun, man ist nicht allein in der Verantwortung. Oftmals waehlt das Brautpaar 20 und mehr ninongs and ninangs aus.
Aufwendige Feiern koennen nicht nur eine Anzahl von Paten auf den Plan rufen, sondern auch einen Begleitzug von Blumenmaedchen, einen Ringetraeger, eine Ehrenjungfer, Kerzenspender, Band- und Schleierspender. Hochzeiten laufen nach einem fuer philippinische Verhaeltnisse strikten Zeitplan ab.
Eine Hochzeit auf den Philippinen ist immer ein grossartiges Erlebnis.
My queen is blooming again...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Culture Shock - Der Kulturschock
I spent some time in almost 65 countries all over the world. Sometimes one day - sometimes several months. Now I stay in the Philippines for good since 1999. My Filipina wife has been obliged to acquaint me about the differences in living and working conditions in this part of the world - which is named The Philippines.
Every country has its own versions of culture shock of its own - including here in the Philippines. Especially if you stay as an expatriat. Permanent life is no more holidays or vacations... .
Filipinos are friendly people.
Filipinos are smiling at you even in the midst of misfortune brought about by calamity or disaster.
Filipinas women enjoy the same rights with men.
Filipinos and Filipinas dress up as they please.
In the Philippines is freedom in the practice of one's faith.
In the Philippines one can find a nice climate.
Fact is: culture shock has to do with custom and tradition in the host country. As an expat, one has to adopt such things step by step without loosing the own identity.
Die meisten Auslaender, die die Philippinen besuchen, sind angenehm ueberrascht. wenn sie feststellen, dass fast ueberall Englisch gesprochen wird. Man kleidet sich oftmals sehr westlich - der gesamte Prunk der westlichen Zivilisation ist sichtbar. Hamburgerketten, Luxushotels, Supermaerkte... . Ja, ist doch alles kein Problem hier zu leben.
Der Schock kommt spaeter. Waehrend der westliche Prunk da ist und man ja auch dieselbe Sprache (Englisch) spricht - hat man am Anfang Schwierigkeiten, sich wirklich zu verstaendigen. Ich habe aus dem Grund auch Bisaya (Cebuano) versucht zu lernen.
Eine Vielzahl von Auswanderen kritisiert sehr schnell die neue Heimat Philippinen und die hier lebenden Menschen. Es folgen sarkastische Anmerkungen ueber die "filipino-time" (klar, ich habe mich auch heute noch nicht an die Unpuenktlichkeit gewoehnen koennen!) und die philippinische Buerokratie. Halt, gibt's keine in unseren Heimatlaendern?
(To be continued!)
(Fortsetzung folgt!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oktoberfest (Deutsche in Davao)
Oktoberfest has been celebrated also all over the Philippines. In Davao City more then 40 German expats with spouses and friends gathered together in Swiss Deli in Damosa and had a lot of beer, pork sausages, pork knuckles, sauerkraut, cold cuts - and fun!
Every year great musician Rolf from Manila came all the way down south and entertained us formidable.
Oktoberfest and several other gatherings together and fellowships help to enjoy life as expats in the Philippines.
Oktoberfest wurde natuerlich auch ueberall auf den Philippinen gefeiert. In Davao City fanden sich u.a. im Swiss Deli in Damosa ueber 40 deutsche Auswanderer, Ehegatten und Freunde ein - und genossen eine Menge Bier, Wuerstchen, Eisbein, Sauerkraut und Aufschnitt. Man hatte wirklich eine Menge Spass! Aus Manila war der grossartige Akkordeonspieler Rolf eingeflogen worden. Wie immer unterhielt er uns grossartig!
Nicht nur das Oktoberfest - auch andere Zusammenkuenfte hier lebender Deutsche (mit auch anderen Nationalitaeten) lassen das Leben als Auswanderer auf den Philippinen lebenswert erscheinen!
WHY PHILIPPINES? Warum Philippinen?
There might be a lot of different reasons for each and every one why to live in the Philippines for good. Family, Philippine spouse, doing business or just enjoying a great pensioner's life.
The Philippine Retirement Authority (Manila) describes it with its slogan "Smile at Life in the Philippines". This slogan indeed encapsulates the spirit behind PRA's vision. Retirees who choose the Philippines can look forward to being treated as a person, not as a statistic. PRA helps provide the good life for retirees (NOT being married to a Philippine national) not only for their material comfort, but also for their psychological and emotional well being as well.
By the way, the Philippine Retirement Authority is a government owned and controlled corporation created by virtue of Executive order no. 1037, signed by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, on July 4, 1985. On August 31, 2001, through E.o. no 26, the control and supervision of PRA was transferred to the Board of Investments (BOI) from the Office of the President.
PRA's head office is in Makati City (Hotline +632.848-1412 or email: but there are several satellite offices in Cebu City, Olangapo City, Angeles City Pampanga, Baguio City - and since a couple of months also in Davao City (headed by my friend Mr. Jimmy Llames).
Why choose the Philippines? In the Philippines, retirees (and also all other expats and businesspeople) have the chance a lot to smile about it!
Mabuhay and welcome to the Philippines!
My New Baby/Mein neues Baby
I love dogs since my childhood. Living in the Philippines for good as an expat and having enough space, I enjoy 12 dogs now.
This is my "new baby"...
Seit meiner Kindheit liebe ich Hunde. Seitdem ich auf die Philippinen ausgewandert bin und genuegend Platz vorhanden ist, habe ich viel Spass an 12 Hunden.
Dies ist mein "neues Baby" ...
Institute of Languages: Universty of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City - Davao City - Other Classes - whole Mindanao
Institute of Languages - University of Southeastern Philippines Davao City - Davao City - Other Classes - whole Mindanao
offers language courses French, Italian, german, Spanish, nihonggo, Mandarin, Arabic, Bahasa (Indonesia) and other Philippine dialects.
(Reviewing for the TOEFL, IELTS and NCLEX).
For details please contact faculty assistant Shella Lariosa (0909-2220986 or 0915-1855855 or 082-225-4696 loc. 209/241 or email to or visit (and go to Centers and then Institute of Languages).
German Course in Davao City/Philippines - Davao City - Language Classes - whole Mindanao - language courses davao city
The University of Southeastern Philippines (Institute of Languages) is offering a German course for Filipinos and Filipinas, such as business professionals, relations students, nurses, OFW's and many more.
I am teaching German following the guidelines of the Goetheinstitut Manila and use its study material.
For details please contact faculty assistant Shella Lariossa (0909-2220986/0915-1855855 or 082-225-4696 loc. 209/241 or email to or visit
Do you need a German-English/English-German translation? - Davao City - Writing - Editing - Translating - whole Mindanao
I am by court certified translator and interpreter (Judicial Region XI Mindanao) and listed as translator and interpreter by the German Embassy Manila.
Email me to
Processing Marriage and Visa Documents for Philippines and Germany - Davao City - Other Services - ganz Mindanao
Assistance in obtaining formal and government documents for Philippines and Germany.
Accredited Philippine Retirement Authority, Manila
Email me:
DEUTSCHKURS in Davao City - Davao City - Language Classes - ganz Mindanao
Die University of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City, bietet seit ueber einem Jahr einen Deutschkurs fuer philippinische Staatsbuerger an. Seitdem ich Fakultaetsmitglied des Institute of Languages geworden bin, unterrichte ich nach den Richtlinien und mit dem Studienmaterial des Goetheinstitutes Manila.
Fuer Einzelheiten kontaktieren Sie bitte Fakultaetsassistentin Shella Lariosa (0909-2220986, 0915-1855855 oder 082-4696 App. 209/24) oder per email oder (Centers, Institute of Languages).
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Many things have been written about the culture shock for foreigners (expats - expatriats) after moving to the Philippines for good. I experienced my very own culture shock during my first year's stay here. I like to share it with you, my dear readers - in English and in German! Watch out for it here on this site in a few days!
Viele Dinge wurden bereits ueber den Kulturschock von Auslaendern (Auswanderer) auf den Philippinen geschrieben. Ich habe meinen ganz eigenen Kulturschock speziell im ersten Jahr meines permanenten Aufenthaltes hier erlebt. Ich moechte meine Erfahrungen mit Ihnen, lieber Leser, demnaechst hier teilen - in Englisch und in Deutsch. Klicken Sie sich hier wieder ein in den naechsten Tagen!
Philippine Food - You Might NOT Like... .
I have been travelling around the world since the age of 16. I stayed in almost 65 countries worldwide. Sure, I learned to eat a lot of things. Many times, as a real newcomer I started shudder while tasting a new dish.
Of course, every country has some disgusting special food that foreigners are forced to eat. It's an invitation rite before strangers are allow to enter the new community. Here in Davao City/Mindanao, where I am residing since 1999 for good, one can find for example the fruit Durian (smells hell but tastes heaven!). Yeah, it's true... .
In other parts of the Philippines you might be forced to try cows stomach pickled in vinegar. Not such strange as monkey brain (China) or "drunken prawns" (Japan).
Back to the Philippines: here one can really find a first class disgusting dish, which is called BALUT! Heaven forbid! Give me a million, but I wouldn't try it again. Fear Factor! Yeah... .! Howard Belton, in the Philippines living U.S. columnist, voiced it out: "How can a good Catholic country enjoy eating aborted duck?"
Going native in the Philippines? Maybe - but without me... !
Ein philippinisches Gericht (?), dass Sie bestimmt nicht moegen... .
Seit meinem 16. Lebensjahr bin ich einige Male um die Welt geflogen und habe mich in fast 65 Laendern aufgehalten. Klar, dabei habe ich gelernt, eine Menge Dinge zu essen. Tja, und als "Neuling" habe ich mich manches Mal geschuettelt und geekelt, wenn ich ein neues Gericht ausprobierte... .
Natuerlich hat jede Nation einige ekelhaftige Gerichte, die man trotzdem als Auslaender kosten soll. Man gehoert erst zur lokalen Gemeinschaft, wenn man es versucht hat. Hier in Davao City/Mindanao, wo ich seit 1999 permanent lebe, gibt es zum Beispiel die Frucht DURIAN (stinkt wie die Hoelle, schmeckt wie der Himmel!). Ja, und das stimmt wirklich!
In einigen anderen Gegenden der Philippinen bietet man Ihnen vielleicht Kuhmagen (in Essig eingelegt!) an. Das mag vielleicht nicht einmal so fremdartig sein wie Affenhirn (China) oder "betrunkener Hummer" (Japan).
Zurueck zu den Philippinen: hier findet man ein wirklich 1. Klasse (fuer mich ekel-erregendes) Gericht, das BALUT heisst. Ein sogenanntes "angebruetetes Entenei"! Also, man moege mir 'ne Million geben, aber mich kann niemand mehr ueberreden, das noch einmal zu probieren. Howard Belton, ein auf den Philippinen lebender U.S.-Kolumnist, hat es so ausgedrueckt: "Wie kann ein katholisch-religioeses Land ein fruehgeborenes Entenkueken im Ei essen!" Vielleicht ein wenig ueberspitzt formuliert, aber ICH versuche es NICHT noch einmal... !
PLDT gives twice as much!
This holiday season every member of the household gets a turn to share an update very time you call your family or friends overseas because PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company), has slashed per minute rates to America and Canada. PLDT Budget card gives you the longest talk time when calling abroad, at affordable call rate and with ever reliable service and clear connection that only PLDT can provide.
Might sound like a promotion article, but it isn't... .
I tried it, and it's so very true. The prepaid overseas calling card allows subscribers nationwide to make financially-smart decisions about those traditional holidaya calls at the lowest per-minute-rate of 1.50 Pesos to the U.S. and Canada, with any PLDT postpaid landline and payphone nationwide. Also European countries can be reached by 5 Pesos per minute - unbeatable rates... .
Go to your nearest PLDT office or selected branches of Cebuana Lhuillier and Tambunting Pawnshops.
Happy Season Calls!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Rotary Club East Davao helps ENDING POLIO
We have seen the ravages of polio many times in the past. An individual with an underdeveloped limb, a child who cannot walk because of an absence of muscular development, and a young girl who has drag herself on the floor because of her abnormal legs. These are all images of how this disease can hamper the quality of life of its victims. Rotary International has long been at the forefront of the fight to eradicate polio throughout the world.
As a part of this organization, the Rotary Club of East Davao realizes the urgency of totally eradicating this disease as soon as possible. Therefore in spite of the challenges in securing funding RCED believes there are benevolent individuals and groups out there who can help to erase this devastating disease from the earth.
As such and as Project Chairman, we have decided to embark on a fund raising event that will allow us to contribute to this noble endeavor.
WE WILL BE HOLDING A CLASSIC MUSIC CONCERT entitled "The Music We Share Will Show the World that We Care". In this concert we will be featuring four talented pianists, who will perform for a diverse audience from Davao City and other parts of Mindanao.
Purchase tickets NOW and be a part as an invaluable supporter in making this concert a very fruitful and successful one.
Please contact SHEILA, Rotary Club of East Davao, CP# 0920-9534196 or landline (082) 302 8956 or KLAUS DORING, CP# 0927-4963149 or landline (082) 227 1761. Tickets are still availabe for PHP 1,000, 500, 300 and 100.
God bless!
Ein klassisches Konzert ganz besonderer Art erwartet Sie am 5. Dezember 2009 im CAP Auditorium in Davao City. Und Sie helfen!!! Beim Kauf einer Eintrittskarte spenden Sie automatisch fuer END POLIO IN THE PHILIPPINES! Der Rotary Club East Davao ist der Schirmherr fuer diese Benefizveranstaltung. Helfen Sie mit - und geniesen Sie Musik in hoechster Klasse und Guete!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Off to Davao Oriental
If you're looking for "nature pure" should you travel to Davao Oriental. I did this several times - and surely not for the last time!
Suchen Sie "Natur pur"? Dann sollten Sie, wenn in Mindanao, unbedingt Davao Oriental besuchen. Ich habe es schon einige Male getan - und sicherlich nicht zum letzten Mal!
Several months ago I stopped for the first time at the "Sleeping Dinosaur Peninsula" - visible upon passing the 8km Zigzag road downtown Mati. The 57-hectare island resembles a sleeping dinosaur.
In Barangay La Union, San Isidro Mt. Hamiguitan is home to thousands of centuries-old pygmy trees. Nearby is an upland lake called Tinagong Dagat (Hidden Sea) that serves as a haven for various species of rare and exotic birds and other animals.
When in Mati, a visit of Waniban Island is a must. It's just a 15-minute boat ride from Cinco Masao Resort in Mati. This 40-hectare island is surrounded by white sandy beaches and is home of local tribes who make a living through hunting and fishing.
A closer look, please!
Do you know the African proverb: "The camel never sees its own hump, but that of its brother is always before its eyes!"
Maybe it's true, because most of us forget to see our very own self. But does it really help, if we always see "this way" - US in a mirror?
Our tendency to focus on the irritating faults of others most of the time obscures our vision of the positive aspects of others, as Karyl Yvette stresses already several years ago in "Pinoy Balita Korea". Yes, we lose sight of the good and decent qualities of others, the true essence of who and what they are, and we all see only the humps in life. Also as expats living in the Philippines... .
Shouldn't we use our own eyes clearly and effectively? So, let's start a new day with a positive look over our own whole, even being in front of our mirror, then taking a glimpse on the good things around us. Have you watched a butterfly over a flower? Wow, we have a lot here in the Philippines. Have you used your freedom of expression over loud music? I mean, not the whole day or during night time, if others want to sleep.
Yes, I must confess, many times I also forgot those simple rules - and, I forgot how to stay young, happy and healthy. It's so easy, especially while living in the Philippines.
Did I say "young"? Yes, because it's not a time of life - it's a state of mind. Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their ideals. Yes, wrinkle the skin, but to surrender enthusiasm wrinkles the sou. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear - these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn growing spirit to dust.
Susconsciously we 'cook our ideas' while being passive. I met a lot of fellow expats, who are doing so. Of ocurse, Newton relaxed, when he saw the apple falling from the tree - and got the idea of gravity, Watt relaxed in the kitchen while watching the jumping steam boiler cover - and got the idea of the steam engine. We have much more good ideas during two hours of creative muse and leisure time, then waiting eight hours in an office... .
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