You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow / Gestern, heute, morgen

Do you always count the days up to the next legal holiday without being on duty? Or do you start as early as September longing for Christmas? And do you wish the weeks or months to hopefully pass by like an assault up to the next possible salary increase?

Many times we are really too much in a hurry while feeling uncomfortable if we noticed how time flies. We have no time for some one or something, or even for ourselves. We don't make time for some one of something or even for ourselves.

When I was still a teenager, I was longing for the time to be a grown up already. Later, I enjoyed listening to my grandmother's stories such as "Once Upon A Time" or 'When I Was Young" from her "yesterday's life".

After a couple of years, especially while observing that time really flies like a rocket to the moon, I always have the same question in my mind: Are the present hours and days less valuable? 

These days between Christmas and New Year, between yesterday and tomorrow, I used to slow down and to relax. I even ignore my cellphone most of the time. I hide at a secret place to unwind. 

The next turn of the year is just around the corner. For most of us it's the time  to come to our senses. The future prospects smile at us already. What might the New Year 2011 bring us? Another hectic schedule of course! But hopefully also happiness, joy and health. 

Is life in future easier, nicer, more charming and being more fulfilled compared to the present? Many of us retreat into the past and forget their present existence. A possible topsy-turved world of a golden youth tries to let us forget that also the past have had its share of disappointments, pains, tears, darkness, as well as desperate days. Dreamy and sleepy days - yes, lost days, irretrievable time... .

I am glad and happy being able to live a wonderful life as an expatriate here in the Philippines - together with my family and many very good friends. It hasn't been easy during the first years. Now we stand on our own feet, because we worked hard and adjusted very well. 

Happy New Year to all of you and May God bless us!

My Parents' Music - Klaus Doring's Classical Music

My Parents' Music - Klaus Doring's Classical Music

Enjoy reading. Viel Spass beim Lesen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My 2011 Wish List

At any corner we do find and read wish lists. Each one of us has such a list. I am sure, you too! 

Talking about a wish list for the coming new year 2011 I really love to mention at first HEALTH IS WEALTH!

Do I try ignoring financial crises? Of course, not! But sometimes I love to escape from such topics - and, maybe you, my dear reader, too.

Still with me is a flyer, I got of one of my former colleagues, a professor of philosophy at the University of Southeastern Philippines, where I am still teaching German language. I must confess, I like these ten points of a wish list.

1. I will not strike back, if someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind. I will not respond in a like manner. 
2. I will ask God to bless my enemy. If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask God to bless that individual. I understand that this enemy could be a family member, neighbour, co-worker, or a stranger in this country.
3. I will be careful about what I say. I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.
4. I will go the extra mile. I will find ways to help sharing the burden of my friend.
5. I will forgive. I will forgive any hurts and injuries that come my way.
6. I will do something nice for some one, but I will do it secretly, and not, because this some one demands it from me. I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.
7. I will treat others the way I wish to be treated. I will practice the golden rule "Do unto others as I would have them do unto me" - with every one I encounter.
8. I will raise the spirit of someone disheartened. My smile and my words can make the difference.
9. I will eat less and nurture my body. I will eat only healthy foods.
10. I will grow spiritually. I will spend a litle more time in prayer. I will find a quiet place.

I wish us all a 


Yes, HAPPY!!! Happiness should be really unending - it has to be sustained. Happiness is a life-saver.



Sunday, December 19, 2010


Einige Wochen herrschte doch eine gewisse Aufregung. Warum sendet die Deutsche Welle nur das ueberwiegend englischsprachige Programm ASIA+ ueber SKYCABLE? Mehrere Anfragen bei lokalen SKYCABLE-Bueros blieben ohne befriedigende Antworten - oftmals erhielt man nur die Antwort: Wir wissen auch nicht!

Ich schickte mehrere emails an die Deutsche Welle in Berlin und bekam sofort Antworten von Frau Julia Becker, DW-TV Fernsehdirektorin in Berlin, und Herrn Manuel Burkhardt von der Fernsehdirektion-Zuschauerdirektion in Berlin. Schliesslich rief mich Herr Manfred Kritsch, den ich schon seit einigen Jahren kenne,  vom Vertrieb/Asien (und auch zustaendig fuer die Philippinen) aus Bonn an.

Herzlichen Dank an Herrn Kritsch, der, nach mehreren Gespraechen mit SKYCABLE Manila, erreichte, dass wir nun alle wieder das ueberwiegend in deutscher Sprache ausgestrahlte Programm DW-TV ASIEN sehen duerfen.


A big thanks to Mrs. Julia Becker, DEUTSCHE WELLE TV Director and Mr. Manuel Burkhardt, and especially to Mr. Manfred Kritsch, Asia Distribution, who called me several days ago and talked with SKYCABLE Manila. DW-TV ASIEN, mostly broadcasting in German language, is again back in SKYCABLE.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Die Heilige Nacht im Wandel der Zeit

Als ich ein Kind gewesen,
das ist schon lange her,
da war Weihnachten noch ein Erlebnis,
ein Maerchen und noch viel mehr.
Es gab nur keine Geschenke,
denn wir waren ja nicht reich,
doch diese bescheidenen Gaben
kamen dem Paradiese gleich.
Da gab es Aepfel und Nuesse,
mitunter auch ein paar Schuh',
und wenn es die Kasse erlaubte
ein kleines Pueppchen dazu.
Wie war doch das Kinderherz selig
ob all der herrlichen Pracht,
und es war ein herrliches Raunen
um die Stille Heilige Nacht.

Dann wurde ich aelter und groesser
und wuenschte mir das und dies
und hoerte auf, an das Christkind zu glauben
und verlor dabei das Paradies.
Dann kam der Krieg mit all' seinen Leiden
mit Hunger und mit Not,
da wurde ich wieder bescheiden
und war dankbar fuer ein stueck Brot.

Wir alle wurden da kleiner
und nur ein Wunsch hatte die Nacht,
wir wollten vereint sein mit unseren lieben
in der Stillen Heiligen Nacht.
Doch der Wunsch erfuellte sich selten,
denn die lagen da draussen und hielten die Wacht,
und wir waren einsam und weinten
in der Stillen Heiligen Nacht.

Und als der Krieg dann endlich zu Ende
wuchs eine neue Jugend heran,
und die hatte dann auch ihre Wuensche
an den lieben Weihnachtsmann.
Nur die waren nicht klein und bescheiden,
denn der Wohlstand kam in das Land,
die Wunsche wurden groesser und groesser,
und das Schenken nahm ueberhand.
Nun wir gewuenscht und gegeben,
und keiner fragt nach dem Wert,
vergessen sind Krieg und Armut
und die Stunden am einsamen Herd.
Aus dem schoensten der christlichen Feste
hat der Mensch einen Jahrmarkt gemacht,
er wuenscht sich vom Besten das Beste
und vergisst den Sinn der Heiligen Nacht.

Where do I belong?! Thoughts on reverse culture shock

Where do I belong?! Thoughts on reverse culture shock

A very interesting article by SHELLY D. LANE, Ph.D. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us...
Eine wirklich interessanter Artikel von Dr. SHELLY D. LANE. Vielen Dank... .

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Party German Community Davao/Mindanao and International Friends

Four Filipina beautiful spouses - and many more have been there!

Vier huebsche philippinische Ehefrauen - und da waren noch viel mehr!

More and more guests arrived - not only from Germany and the Philippines, but also from France, Japan, UK, Finland and other countries.

Mehr und mehr Gaeste treffen ein - nicht nur von Deutschland und den Philippinen, aber auch aus Frankreich, Japan, England, Finnland und anderen Laendern.

A Christmas celebration, which united not only Germans and Filipinos but also other nationalities.

Eine Weihnachtsfeier, die nicht nur Deutsche und Filipinos aber auch andere Nationalitaten vereinte.

Susie Rexrodt, GMA - TV reporter, Fernsehreporterin und Rossana Balcom-Doring, my wife, meine Ehefrau, MC's, Moderatoren der Veranstaltung.

The Manisan Dancers and Singers performed a German-Philippine Christmas Music medley. 

Die Manisan Dancers and Singers erfreuten mit einem deutsch-philippinischen Weihnachtslieder - Medley.

Parlor Games,prizes and fun!

Gesellschaftsspiele, Preise und viel Spass!

Among others, also three of my German class students from USEP University of Southeastern Philippines joined and enjoyed the event.

Auch drei meiner Studentinnen vom Deutschkurs an der USEP University of Southeastern Philippines waren dabei und hatten viel Spass.

Merry Christmas! Froehliche Weihnachten!

Und ein grosses Dankeschoen an die Sponsoren / a big thank you to our sponsors PAGCOR Casino Filipino Davao City (Generalmanager Arthur Malatag und Marketing Direktorin Dara Abanilla), Grand Regal Hotel (raffle: 1st prize one overnight stay with breakfast) and Swiss Deli Davao City (Markus and Romano). 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Noble Mind and Heart

In times of WikiLeaks releases, truth commission, natural disasters (Cancun?), global  economical problems and (again) dwindling hopes of several people around me, dreaming (not only) of a White Christmas but a better future, I do feel inspire to put the cart before the horse.

Maybe at the end of this piece I'll tread the footsteps of other bloggers, columnists or commentators. So be it!

Pride comes before a fall - but never magnanimity, The dictionary defines magnanimity as in greatness of mind and generosity of heart especially in forgiveness. Often times Filipinos are really a magnanimous people having the quality of being high souled, rising above pettiness or meanness and the generosity in overlooking injury or insult.
The late Harry Emerson Fosdick, a famous Protestant teacher wrote: "No man ever saved anybody, or served any great of left any enduring impress, who was not willing to forget indignities, bear no grudges. The world's saviors have all, in one way and another, loved their enemies and done them good!"
Magnanimity, applied to relations between nations and people, transforms hostility into helpfulness. No "West Berlin inhabitant" (and count me in!) will forget the U.S. airlift during the East German-Russian blockade, when the so-called "raisin bomber planes" kept West-Berlin and its people alive. 

What quality in human character do you consider the most admirable of all? How about the tolerance toward another's viewpoint without smugness? How about refusal to judge another's action or motives without first knowing what lies behind them?

U.S. writer Clarence W. Hall said before: "Magnanimity must be developed and habitual by practice, but it's a virtue that sweetens and glorifies life."

People with a noble mind and heart are fond of day dreams. Of course, fantasies don't have to be a flight away from reality. In fact, psychologists are discovering since long time, that day dreams can play a creative role in self-development and a better mutual understanding. They are also one of the best things for the well being of a family - and a whole nation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Jolliest Season in The Philippines

Many times I have been asked, if I am a preacher or pastor. I am not any of them. I was born and grew up in a parish house. While treading on different paths around the globe, through life, God has been more or less my permanent compadre. This might explain the "religious touch" in many write ups from time to time.

When the Christmas spirit sweeps through the Philippines, i learned how this spirit infects residents, tourists and a lot of expats alike with its gaiety.

The "official" Christmas season in the Philippines stretches from December 16 to January 6, but Christmas carols began already in October, and the season decorations stay up until the end of January. I remember my time as radio host in the Philippines: requests for Christmas tracks started already in September (!). They didn't surprise me while being on air for almost five years... .

Spanish missionaries introduced Christianity in the Philippines in the early 16th century. Many Christmas customs are derived from European roots. A creche is commonly found in church yards and on store facades, but often the carabao and the chicken have replaced the ox and ass. Humble farmers and fishermen bring offerings of fruits and fish to the babe in the manger. Real evergreen trees or the real Christmas tree, which can be found in Europe or other parts of the globe are rare in the Philippines. Filipinos have devised imaginative rattan representations, or "silver trees' fashioned with aluminium foil.

No dwelling or business address however, is too humble to display a "parol", the traditional star shaped Japanese paper and bamboo lantern that is a unique Christmas symbol in the Philippines. There are plenty of examples nationwide which show us how to celebrate the jolliest season of the year. 

Las Pinas (near Manila!) is very well known for its lantern makers. Have you seen already the marketplace overflowing with fanciful designed lanterns? San Fernando, Pampanga is famous for its spectacular lantern parade on Christmas Eve.

Yes, the Philippines celebrates the longest Christmas season worldwide infecting every one with gaiety. Count me in...!

I feel very touched when the "Gloria in excelsis Deo' rings triumphantly. After midnight families gather together around a table of traditional fare: foods and gifts. Towns are filled with wonderful and biosterous parties, noisemakers, and fire workers (NOT in Davao City!).

For me as a foreigner, who experienced the jolliest season of the year many times already, it is always an unforgettable event. 

Merry Christmas and Maligayang Pasko!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cute - But Please Don't Wait For the Bite!

I love dogs since my childhood. I still have seven dogs here in the Philippines. Here are some puppies. Aren't they cute???

Without timely treatment, rabies infection is 100 percent fatal. Rabies is the best example of an illness in which prevention is better than cure, as it is a vaccine-preventable disease. 

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than 55,00 people die of rabies every year, with dog bites as the cause of 99 percent of rabies deaths. Every year, more than  15 million people worldwide (!) receive post-exposure prophylaxis, preventing an estimated 327,000 rabies deaths annually.
Following the official announcements rabies remains a significant public heath concern in the Philippines where only 25 percent of dogs are vaccinated against the viral infection and only 17 (!) rabies diagnostic laboratories are currently in operation. 

Come and visit me and my dogs. Yes, they are very cute - not only as puppies. And, if they might bite you, youhave nothing to worry!

Mr. Eric van Oppens, president and CEO of Novartis Healthcare Philippines voiced it out very clearly: 

"Our commitment to increase public awareness on rabies begins within the company and among our employees. Rest assured that we will expand our rabies awareness campaign to include the general public. This is our humble contribution to preventing and controlling rabies in the Philippines!"

Monday, November 29, 2010

Unsung Philippino Heroes

While staying in Manila again last week, I came across a wonderful write up of Pablo A. Tariman in the 'Philippine Daily Inquirer' about unsung heroes in the performing arts. I strongly agree with him. Of course, Manny Pacquiao, with a reputation as one of the greatest boxers ever, without difficulties named with the same breath nowadays with Dr. Jose Rizal seem to be Philippine national heroes. 

Pablo A. Tariman mentioned also Efren Penaflorida, who made the pushcart his classroom to help children get basic education. For his selfless dedication he was named the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year. Congratulations again!

I love classical music. I was blessed being able to host a classical music radio show for several years in the Philippines. During that time I always tried to add classical music elements performed by Philippine artists in my show. Not easy sometimes - but with the help of several record companies I got successful.

During that time I also learned a lot about these unsung heroes, Tariman also mentioned in his article.

Iloilo-born Filipino tenor Otoniel Gonzaga, i.e., who has reaped audience adulation in Vienna as Calaf in Guiseppe Verdi's "Turandot" or as Bacchus in Richard Strauss' opera "Ariadne auf (on) Naxos". Imagine, he remains the only Filipino tenor who has sung the Verdi opera "Otello".

Another Filipino opera singer, Arthur Espiritu, made history by becoming the first Filipino tenor to make it to "La Scala di Milan" (the Mandalay Stadium of Opera). 

Recently, as one could learn from Tariman, Lea Salonga was again the toast of england and millions of TV viewers when she sang in the 25th-anniversary concert of "Les Miserables" in London, where she was the first Filipina to sing the lead part of that musical, by the way, one of my favourites and requested in almost all radio shows of mine. 

Or, let me mention Cecile Licad. After her triumphs in several continents, she again made waves in Michigan and Germany with her 'Chopin No. 1'. Again, imagine my dear readers, she's now heading for Russia where she will become the first soloist of the Russian state orchestra. New York Times critic Harris Goldsmith says she's among the world's greatest pianists. Wow, wow, wow...!

It's really a never ending list. Allow me to quote Pablo Tariman again, because he so very, very well right in his article:

"This is good an occasion for us to refelct on the plight of artists who have no millions in pre-formance contract and who have to make do with modest fees compared to the million of dollars earned by champs and other athletes. So, while basking in the glory of Pacquiao, Filipinos should remember that the world also needs performing arts heroes and heroines who can provide truly inspiring anthems of the spirit."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Philippine Barangay Power

It is really good that every three years between local government elections, every Filipino will have the power to choose who will govern the neighborhood in which he or she lives.

As one could learn from several books, barangays are in the Philippines since pre-Hispanic days. When the Americans took over in the Philippines, the barangay was renamed BARRIO and the leader became the barrio captain or tiniente del barrio. Under the Marcos regime the barangay was once again revived, and the name of its head replaced as barangay captain. 

Why do I talk about barangay power? Of course, the Local Government Code of 1991 has given back the barangays more power and structure, as well as reponsibilites. Fact is also, that there have been several attempts to modify and even abolish this indeed most basic of the Philippines' political units.

The barangay is keeping the community working and is responsible for local matters such as peace and order and constitutes a powerful link for any city, provincial and national politician. Barangays are still taken a load off the regular courts since conflicts are encouraged to be resolved at the barangay level. 

I also strongly agree with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) which wants the barangays as the first line of defense against global climate change. Costal barangays, in example, should be given more priority since they are the most vulnerable to rising sea levels rise. 

(Barangay Captain from Buhangin, Davao City, James "Jimmy" Salvador, during an interview after his re-election)

Foreign Language Education in The Philippines (III)

Foreign language teaching in the Philippines - so far so good! The demand in high-schools and university teachers is indeed big.

During my last stay in Manila I learned that the Department of Education, in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Manila, has launched a program that introduces German as foreign language to High Schools in the Philippines (Pilot). In order for this program, proven to be a success since its formation, to establish itself further and to meet the demand for teachers, Goethe Insitut is offering 16 teacher scholarships for Philippine universities in 2011.

Participation in this scholarship program will enable universities to incorporate the study of German into their curriculum as well as be part of the German network. The scholarships will occupy a period of six months of German teacher training (April - October 2011)  at the Goethe Institut Philippinen in Manila. 

Of course, applications are only viable through the universities and departments that focus on the establishment of German as a foreign language in their schools. Private applications will not be accepted. in addition to this, applicants must be already employed by the university at the time of application and have a long-term contract with the school.

Foreign language education in the Philippines - in this case the German language - and such scholarships of the Goethe Institut Manila - another big step into the future. 

Understanding each other is good. Gut, wenn wir uns verstehen.

Why Do I Live in The Philippines? Warum lebe ich auf den Philippinen? (II)

Deswegen - zum Beispiel...

That's why - one of many other reasons...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Foreign Language Education in The Philippines (II)

While staying in Manila I was really blessed and honoured to meet several people with one mutual goal: "Teaching foreign languages in the Philippines". 

I have been also invited to the "Benchmarking Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Development" (Practices and challenges in the 21st Century in Asia Pacific) in Pangasinan next January. Thank you Professor Vigilio Manzano of UP Diliman in Quezon City. 

Thanks a lot also to many people, who joined this conference in Manila. I love to express my gratitude to Dr. Teresita T. Tumapon, Dean and Vice President of Liceo de Cagayan University (among so many others) for giving many valuable advices. Thank you (und danke schoen) also to my friend, Mr. Helmut Frielinghaus from Goethe Institut Manila for so many inputs.

Why learning foreign languages (besides and in addition to English) in the Philippines?

Allow me to quote some expressions, I have learnt from the Goethe Institut:

"Peacekeeping, human rights or environmental protections are topics of global relevance that can only be addressed through dialogue between societies. Foreign languages are essential for this kind of dialogue. After all, even though English has long since been a university platform, additional  foreign languages do help to retrain individual identity and individualism. They also help to buildt bridges - for multicultural diveristy and intercultural tolerance."

While attending the said conference in Manila, I also came across the following statement given by Professor Ludwig Eichinger, Director for the German Language, Mannheim/Germany:

"Dies schlaegt sich nieder in den Aufgaben fuer die Sprachen und hat Folgen fuer die Raeume, in denen sie gelten. Das Deutsche ist die grosse Sprache in Europa, und es erstreckt sich ueber einen ganz erheblichen Raum!"

"This idea is reflected in the roles of the languages and has consequences for the geographical areas in which they are used!" ...

I also love to quote Dr. David Graddol of the "English Company (UK) Ltd.", who drams up studies on the future of the English for the British Council:

"The world is rapidly becoming multilingual. ... Fears that he expansion of the English language is threatening local languages will doubtless turn out to be unfounded. ... The manifest dynanism between globalisation and localisation is exerting pressure to retain local, linguistic identities. Over the next ten years, it will not so much be a question of "Do you speak English?", but rahter: "Of course you speak English, but else what can you offer"?

French, Spanish, Italian, Nihongo, Mandarin?

(To be continued)
(Fortsetzung folgt)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Foreign Language Education in The Philippines

As faculty member (German Language, Institute of Languages) I do enjoy teaching at the University of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City, starting almost three years ago. Since signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Goetheinstitut in Manila, USEP became one of its partner schools:

I'll be attending the collaborative conference  on "Sustainable Development of Foreign Language Education in the Philippines (Secondary and Tertiary Levels)" in Manila, organized by the Alliance Francaise de Manille, Embassy of France, Embassy of Germany, Embassy of Japan, Embassy of Spain, Embassy of Italy, Goethe-Institut, Instituto Cervantes, and the japan Foundation, Manila.

I like to quote Japan Foundation Manila Director Shuji Takatori:

"The said event will showcase the cooperative efforts of various foreign government cultural/language agencies and pertinent institutions in promoting a long-term implementation of the Philippin Government's program in foreign language education, it's significant for foreign organizations to be engaged in a laudable endeavor - the Filipino student's communicative competence in foreign language as well as in depth understanding and appreciation of foreign culture in preparation for a linguistically diverse workplace; thus, the undertaking - "working hand-in-hand / strengthened partnership" with the host country leading to the inclusion of Foreign Language Education in the standard academic curriculum is for the attainment of the Filipino's youth's global competitiveness."

The Department of Education and the CHED will inform about the current situation of the participating languages in the Philippines in High-Schools as well as in universities (e.g.existing language programs, possible teacher trainings, teacher education, evaluation, quality standards, needs, program goals and questions.

I am sure, it will be an exciting time for me while joining this event. I am also sure, that I'll be reporting more details about this topic after being back from Manila.

An Email from InterNations GmbH in Germany

I was very glad to receive the following email from Germany:

Dear Mr. Klaus Doring,

First of all let me congratulate you on your informative website. I liked the way you structured the information in order to give useful tips for your visitors about culture, lifestyle, your adventures and a lot more! I was personally happy to see your commitment and ability to write interesting posts about the daily life in the Philippines as an expatriate!

I am sure that our expatriate members would be happy to have a look at your blog! ... I will be more than happy to create an entry for you in our City Guide. This way we can draw our members' attention to your website and promote it among 200,000 members. 

... Here is some more information about InterNations: InterNations is the biggest global networking site for expats of various nationalities and their family members. At the moment InterNations unites more than 200,000 members in 235 cities worldwide. On our platform, expatriates and their partners can connect with compariots, ask for advice on everyday life in their host country, provide other members with useful tips, make new contacts and find information in our City Guides.

... The restrictions - membership is invitation-only - are necessary for our community in order to maintain a high level of quality, trust and confidence for our member base. The registration process is easy, safe, free of charge, and it will take you only a few minutes.

...Keep on updating your exciting Blog!



Founder & Managing Director InterNations GmbH, Muenchen/Germany.

Thank you very much Philipp von Plato. I joined already your community and for all those, you like to join also, here is the link:

Or visit my "Important Links/Wichtige Links" and click "Expatriats"!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

German Christmas Party German Community and International Friends (II)

Mayor of Davao City Miss Sara Inday Duterte-Carpio

Barangay Captain, Buhangin, Davao City, James "Jimmy" Salvador (during an interview after his re-election!).

Both of them (among many others!) to grace the Christmas party of the German Community and International Friends.

Call now and reserve your tickets now: 082 -227 1761 (Rossana Balcom-Doring in Davao City!)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Depressant Alcohol

"Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complains/ Who has wounds without cases? Who has redness of eyes? Those who linger long for the wine, those who go in search of mixed wines? Do not look at the wine, when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly; at the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart will utter perverse words. ... When I shall awake, that i may seek another drink!" (Proverbs 23:29-35)

When I recopy this part of the bible several years ago, I got already the idea to write about this topic. I joined, and I am still joining circles of many other fellows around me - Filipinos AND expatriats more or less (?) with regular social drinking and/or habitual drinking with meals (beer or wine!). Imagine, when I stayed in France, I couldn't believe that for many Frenchmen a breakfast consists of bread (French baguette), cheese, coffee - and read wine! 

For many among us (and I learned it from several expats living in the Philippines) social drinking also also occasional drinks to relieve stress and boredom. Doing nothing can become stress! And a lot of expats are getting bored even in this beautiful country Philippines, because they have nothing to do!

Suddenly the devil alcohol creates a feeling of freedom without worries and euphoria. Feelings are free flowing: stress and/or boredom have gone! Suddenly gulping drinks and daily secret drinking might relieve stress  but makes one loose also control. Yes guys, alcohol is soooo cheap in the Philippines!!!

Suddenly loss of interest stays at any corner, conflicts with the law, conflicts in the family, accidents, mental deterioration, even death...! Hold on guys, the sad consequences should let us  tremble with fair! That's not the reason staying in the Philippines!

Every time I enjoy a drink in acceptable measurements I try asking myself: Am I drinking too heavily? Do I sneak drinks? Do I drink because of frustrations or just because the world is so nice and pink tinted? Can I stop drinking right now?

Wait, yes, it's true! Since several years I avoid joining circles of heavy drinking people - no matter circles of Filipino or expat friends... .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Do YOU pay YOUR taxes ON TIME?

As an expat living in the Philippines and doing several businesses and having certain incomes I do pay my taxes on time.

Other people don't care!

It was really interesting to learn, that the Philippine Bureau of internal Revenue's campaign against tax evaders and tax cheats is slowly (but surely) paying off after a popular Philippine television and movie personality paid 17 million Pesos in tax obligations after learning that she is the subject of the next tax evasion case to be filed supposedly by the BIR.

No names have been mentioned, but according to well-placed sources at the Bureau, a female television and movie personality of the Philippines, a daughter also of a well known actor and actress (separated for many years now!) has paid the 17 million last week. Good. Congrats! Why not?

Last October 21, the BIR has filed charges against controversial film and television director Carlo J. Caparas for his failure to pay the right amount of taxes. The case against him marks the Aquino's administration's first tax case against a high-profile television and movie personality. I hope, more cases are on the road.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Philippine Box Icon: Manny Pacquiao

I must confess: I have never been a friend of boxing sport. I changed my mind since last year or so (I don't remember the exact date or incident!). I met Manny Pacquiao's mother during a Rotary convention in General Santos City. I didn't understand, why so many Filipinos admired (and are still admiring!) Manny even as a National hero. Maybe I go the point now... .

Let's face it: when it comes to international sport events: where are the Philippines? When it comes to international sport events, Manny appears more and more in media's headlines.

Looking forward to his next match: it should be the last time Manny will fight at a catch weight. It will be as a welter weight at 147 lb, where he is reigning WBO champaign. No more, no less.

When I browsed I got surprised, learning about trainer Freddie Roach, telling the world, "that he hates catch weight fights"!

Manny Pacquiao is the only fighter in history to win seven world titles in seven different weight classes and will face Antonio Margarito for the vacant WBC super-welter weight  title on November 14, 2010 in Arlington/Texas.

If I ask my fellow Filipino friends and neighbors, if they are confident of a win by the Philippine's champ Manny over Antonio, one might not surprised to learn:

- I am always confident that he will win, and we all should be!
- I am confident with his God-given talent, because he is a world-class boxer.
- I am NOT confident, because Antonio is too tall, heavier and used to the welter weight division and had defeated top-ranking welter weights with flourish!

Mmmh - anyway, good luck Manny!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Christmas Party German Community and International Friends Davao City/Mindanao - Weihnachtsfeier Deutsche Gemeinschaft und Internationale Freunde in Davao City/Mindanao

The Christmas Party of the "German Community Davao City/Mindanao and International Friends" is being scheduled for

Saturday, December 11, 2010

from 12:00 noon till ? (open end!)


Casino Filipino Davao City, Pantawan Hall, Grand Regal Hotel, Lanang, Davao City.

International (European) and Filipino Food, drinks, coffee, cake, raffle (sponsor i.e. is  Casino Filipino Davao City), exchange gifts, live band (dance?), program, Christmas spirit and several surprises are waiting for you.

For further information and ticket reservations you might call 082 - 227 1761 (Davao City) and ask for Rossana Balcom-Doring or email me:

Don't miss this event!


Die Weihnachtsfeier der Deutschen Gemeinschaft und Internationale Freunde wird stattfinden am

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

von 12:00 mittags bis ? (Ende offen!) im

Casino Filipino Davao City, Pantawan Hall, Grand Regal Hotel, Lanang, Davao City. 

Internationale (Europaeische) und Philippinische Gerichte, Getraenke, Kaffee, Kuchen, Verlosung (Sponsor ist u.a. das Casino Filipino Davao City), eine Liveband (Tanz?), Unterhaltungsprogram, das Gefuehl von Weihnachten und viele Ueberraschungen warten auf Sie! 

Fuer weitere Informationen und Ticketreservierungen sollten Sie bald anrufen: 082- 227 1761 (Davao City) und sprechen Sie mit Rossana Balcom-Doring oder senden Sie mir eine Email:

Versaeumen Sie nicht dieses grossartige Ereignis!!!

Rueckblick: Weihnachtsfeier 2010/Christparty 2010   


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Filipino Cuisine and Tuna

Filipino cuisine is indeed a uniquely delicious smorgasbord of flavours resulting from an adventurous mix of indigenous ingredients and liberal sprinklings of culinary influences of contact with East and West. 

Food plays really a major role in promoting the Philippines' national identity and culture. Filipino food is so very varied and in some cases, unique , such as "adobo, batchoy, sisig, kalamay, and many others. Believe, I love Philippine cuisine. And, I also love Tuna, or Sashimi.

During my last stay in General Santos City a few days ago I learned that the tuna supply in Mindanao has reached a critical level and a further study is needed on how to make the supply sustainable. A two-year fishing ban has been declared starting this year, on fishing boats like tuna purse seiners to allow the dwindling tuna stocks to regenerate. I am pretty sure we have to believe, that the tuna resources are in a critical stage now. 

By the way: Region XII of Mindanao has exported 34 million kilograms of frozen whole round tuna, pouched and canned tuna products to the European Union markets from January to June 2010 alone... .

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hunger in The Philippines

Actually I am always very careful when it comes to surveys. Not only in the Philippines - everywhere! After being back from several trips to Cebu, Manila and some parts in Mindanao I came across the Social Weather Stations (SWS) - BusinessWorld nationwide survey conducted last September among 1,200 respondents.

Fewer families claiming to suffer hunger!  So far so good. The latest hunger figure is lower than the 21.1 percent of families (4 million households) then in the survey conducted last June. 

Survey questions about household hunger are always directed to the household head, using the phrase 'experienced hunger; and did not have anything to eat'! The measure of hunger refers to involuntary suffering because the respondents answer a survey question that specifies hunger due to lack of anything to eat

Three times daily a meal? 

Overall hunger declined in all geographical areas: Mindanao, 16.3 percent (which SWS translates to 700,000 families); Visayas, 15.3 percent (580,000); Balance of Luzon, 14.7 percent (1.2 million); and Metro Manila, 20.3 percent (507,000 families). Likewise, the survey also showed, that there were about nine million families or 48 percent who claimed they are poor.

Again: it is just a slight improvement: fewer Philippino families claiming to suffer hunger.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Uplifting the Pinoy Brand... .

With recent events having shed the Philippines in a rather awful light, Filipinos are posed with an even greater challenge to rise above the situation and show the international realm that there are still many reasons why Filipinos can be (and are still!) proud to be Pinoy. As an expat living here since 1999 you can believe me. It's really true! Let's talk about the optimism of Filipinos!

Nick Fontanilla, president of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) said, that trying times remind Filipinos of their most interesting trait - the optimism.  Fontanilla said something very interesting else: "Now, that the Philippines is going through another kind of 'storm' we encourage Filipinos to remain patriotic - to be reminded of many other individuals who have made our country proud and follow their footsteps". Very well said, Sir.

PMA, the Philippines' premiere organization of marketing professionals goes nationwide in its commitment to educate marketing, business and entrepreneurship  as it will be conducting a caravan themed as "Pinoy as Global Brand" until November 2010.

I found and . Here you can also check out the caravan schedules.

Uplifting the Pinoy brand - in the global arena! YES!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blue Skies For Our Children

You might be surprised, but even as an expatriat living in the Philippines, I appreciate every single step of several people and institutions around me when it comes to the most important topic to take of our environment - to help our Mother Earth to survive.

One great example (among many others!) is the Blue Skies Alliance (Clean Air Initiative for Asian citizen). Carrying on the dream Soichiro Honda, Honda Cars Philippines, Inc. announces in several advertisements and press releases, that they raise the bar even higher in preserving the environment. Honda Cars Philippines is proud to announce the A Blue Skies Alliance, a collaborative effort with the Philippine Climate Imperative, Clean Air Initiative-Asian Cities, Philippine Business for Environment, Department of Energy, Haribon Foundation, corporate fleet partners and over 14,000 Facebook supporters. 

Don't get me wrong: I am not doing promotion for HONDA. I am promoting people, who are intensifying efforts to signifiantly decrease harmful pollutans in the air.

Visit and make a pledge to leave blue skies for our next generations.

SMART warns: Don't Be Duped By Scammers

I am glad. I received a press release from Reena J. Villamar, SMART Public Affairs. Very important. I like to share it with you:

Scammers usually target families or relatives of overseas Filipino workers (OFW's), or those who receive regular remittances from abroad. Senders of hoax texts usually claim to be family members, relatives and friends.

"They would pretend to be a family member or a relative, and ask victims to deposit a certain amount of money to various bank or e-money accounts, The money is supposed to help them during an emergency situation, such as escaping from a cruel emplyer by buying a ticket, or money for a medical treatment", said SMART Public Affairs Group Head Ramon R. Isberto.

"Since the initial reaction is almost always to help fraud victims send money as soon as possible, without confirming the facts with their family members first. When they relaize everything, it's too late", he added.

To avoid falling victim to scammers and losing hard-earned money, text messages or calls (and even emails) from unknown people should be double-checked and confirmed - or just ignored. 

Thanks a lot for reminding Reena J. Villamor, SMART Public Affairs. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

German Oktoberfest in Davao City at Swiss Deli

It was the second "German" Oktoberfest in Davao City - and it has been really fun. A big thanks to Romano and Markus, proprietors of Swiss Deli for a very delicious buffet and lot of beer! Great taste - and very well trained staff - as always!
Thank you so much to Rolf from Manila (extreme left) - a very blessed accordeon musician with an incredible repertoire, and, of course, to MC Susie Rexrodt (second from right), GMA-TV host and my colleague in University of Southeastern Philippines (Institute of Languages). With us (among many others) have been also Ana "Tess" Bassilio (third from left), Society Editor and columnist of Mindanao Daily Mirror as well as Ana Felicia Dulay (extreme right), Editor of SunStar Davao... .

It has been a German Oktoberfest in Swiss Deli - but guests from several countries dropped by and joined us.

A "sweet" desert storm - when German Oktoberfest ended up in...

(Check out my Facebook Profile for more photos...!)

Oktoberfest and its history: It started with the Royal Wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig, later to become King Ludwig I and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen, on October 12, 1810. The citizens of Munich were invited to attend the festivities held on the fields in front of the city gates to celebrate the happy royal event. The fields have been named "Theresienwiese" (Theresa's Fields) in honor of the Crown Princess eversince, although the locals have since abbreviated the name simply to the 'Wies'n'!

Today the Oktoberfest is the largest festival in the world, with an international flavor characteristic of the 21st century: some 6 million visitors from all around the world converge on the Oktoberfest each year. And since the Oktoberfest is still held on the Theresienwiese, the locals still refer to the event simply as the "Wies'n"!

Welcome to the next Oktoberfest! Here in Davao City or in Munich/Germany! Or in Manila! I just accepted an invitation for Manila.

Beer, chicken, pork sausages, pork knuckles - and a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another website? Noch 'ne andere Webseite?

Yes, I love writing and expressing myself as an expat living in the Philippines.

My new and additional website shall be different then this. Check it out and (hopefully!) enjoy reading. You'll experience the differences. 

Please leave any comments, suggestions or questions. I would love to react and stay in touch with you, wherever you are residing right now.

MABUHAY. Welcome to the Philippines.

Ja, ich liebe es zu schreiben und mich als Auswanderer, der nun permanent auf den Philippinen lebt, hier auszudruecken und zu aeussern!

Meine neue und zusaetzliche Webseite soll noch unterschiedlicher werden, als diese hier. Ich hoffe, es gelingt mir. Viel Spass (hoffentlich!) beim Lesen. Sie werden sicherlich die Unterschiede bemerken.

Bitte hinterlassen Sie Ihre Kommentare, Ihre Vorschlaege oder Ihre Fragen.Ich wuerde sehr gern alles beantworten und mit Ihnen, liebe Leserinnen und Leser in Kontakt bleiben. Egal, wo Sie wohnen, und, egal welcher Nationalitaet Sie angehoeren!

MABUHAY! Willkommen auf den Philippinen!

Need to Stay in Makati, Metro Manila?

Check out the "Greenbelt Makati Condo For Rent" with really affordable rates.

Makati Rooms provide clean, beautiful, comfortable and affordable condo units for rent for people looking for both short-term and long-term accomodation in Makati, Metro Manila/Philippines.

I need to stay in Makati later in October. Guess, where I'll be staying?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

TAWA-TAWA - In Fight Versus Dengue

A weed known as tawa-tawa has become a serious matter for the Department of Health in the Philippines (DOH), which is now considering the proposalsof herbalist and former health secretary Jaime Galvez Tan to fund a research on the plant as possible panacea to the fatal bleeding among dengue victims.

I experienced already eight dengue victims in my surroundings during the last months. Tawa-tawa and Durian (the fruit which smells hell but tastes heaven!) have been described by all doctors.

The weed Tawa-tawa is said to prevent hemorrhaging by normalizing platelet count in the blood. According to the latest DOT reports, dengue cases in the Philippines already breached the 90,000 mark. 

During a press-conference during a launch here of a two-day Generic Medicine Expo for Luzon, one could learn from Health Assistant Secretary elmer Punzalan about a joint project of the DOH and the National Center for Pharmaceutical Access and Management, in partnership with SM Prime Holdings Inc.

Tawa-tawa, scientifically known as "Euphorbia hirta" has been also experienced with the side effect encouraging frequent urination, that could lead to dehydration. 

Also other natural remedies, such as all red, orange and yellow-colored natural fruit juices, which are rich in antioxidants, and vitamins A and C could boost immunity against the dengue virus. 

Guys - stay safe always!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bureau of Immigration Adopts New Queue System

The Bureau of Immigration of the Philippines - again in the critics - started implementing a new queuing system, which is called the "snake-line"  or "s-line" for arriving and departing passengers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) in bid to prevent connivance between human smuggling syndicates and unscrupulous BI personnel, as I could learn from officials during my stay in Cebu City some days ago.

BI officer-in-charge Ronaldo Ledesma said by changing the line formation, they hope to stop the Filipinos 'tourist workers' from ending up as illegal workers in other countries. As one could also learn from several press releases: in the previous straight line scheme, the passengers are able to choose which immigration counter to queue. Human smugglers usually instruct victims to line up in front of the counter manned by corrupt BI personnel. But by adopting the s-line, the passengers would be distributed in the different counters. 

I agree strongly with this and hope and pray, that the initial results are really very encouraging and, that the Immigration officers really will be very cooperative in the implementation of the new system. Not only in Manila - but as well as at all arrival and departure counters of the Philippines at the soonest possible time.

For the sake of my second home, the Republic of the Philippines!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oktoberfest in Davao City

Don't forget: Oktoberfest in Davao City with Miss Susie Rexrodt, GMA TV host in Swiss Deli, Damosa, Davao City. Check out my previous posts.

Vergessen Sie nicht unser Oktoberfest in Davao City in Swiss Deli, Damosa Davao City mit GMA TV Fernsehmoderatorin   Susie Rexrodt.

Limited seats are still available.  

Call now/Rufen Sie JETZT AN: 082 - 227 1761! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Philippine Boy Scouts Wage War versus Dengue

Dengue has found a formidable foe: the Philippine Boy Scouts. This after the two-million strong boy scouts of the Philippines decided to wage its own battle against the increasing cases of H-fever caused by the aides egypti mosquito.

"Scouts may be the next victims," secretary general J. Rizal C. Pangilinan said in a memorandum issued to BSP's 112 local councils and 10 scouting regions nationwide. I know about it, because I am still a passive member of this institution.

The nationwide campaign dubbed "Scouts Against Dengue" involves the holding of massive clean-up operations aimed at eradicating sources of dengue and the holding of information campaigns.

Scouts will conduct house-to-house campaigns and assist local government units in distributing anti-dengue leaflets. Scout units are encouraged to form their own groups in the campaign. 100 percent participation is really expected.

Amid the increasing number of cases and deaths, the Boy Scouts Philippines is called upon to do its share in the massive effort of helping minimize, if not totally eradicate, the deadly disease. BSP councils shoud to be cautious in conducting scouting activities like camping, hiking and other outdoor activities. All must be prepared by following certain guidelines being issued by the Department of Health and other health agencies against the dengue fever. 

As it has been mentioned several times before, my dear readers: "Prevention is still the best medicine. We must be always be prepared to help stop the spread of the disease!

Wage war against dengue!!!