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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Seas of Stories

Sea of Stories by Bea Policarpio celebrates the fluid nature of identity and connection.

Seas of Stories

Bea Policarpio

September 7, 2024 – October 5, 2024


Sometimes we forget

that we are part

of a sublime whole.


We are—

clouds in the same sky

flowers in the same field

waves in the same ocean


Each of us contains

a sea of stories

that ebb and flow

into each other.


Isn’t it beautiful

how no two waves are the same,

yet they arise in the same ocean?


Sea of Stories by Bea Policarpio celebrates the fluid nature of identity and connection. The exhibition weaves together the artist’s milestone pieces, reflecting her personal evolution while engaging the viewer in a shared experience of wonder.

In this body of work, Policarpio examines the tension between how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. Her art acts as a mirror, inviting viewers to consider the many versions of "self" that exist within and beyond our own minds. Playful and spontaneous in nature, her works remind us that we always have the freedom to color and shape our inner world, despite life’s ever-changing seasons and landscapes. By starting within, we break through the ego’s illusion of separation and connect deeply with a limitless reality.


Sea of Stories is a visual and poetic celebration that honors the past while embracing the optimism of what lies ahead.

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