Why does Frances love jump rope? “It’s a total body workout, it gives me that endorphin rush, and I get those rosy cheeks after.” —PHOTOS BY AJ LUMPAN
This might not be the typical expat blog, written by a German expat, living in the Philippines since 1999. It's different. In English and in German. Check it out! Enjoy reading! Dies mag' nun wirklich nicht der typische Auswandererblog eines Deutschen auf den Philippinen sein. Er soll etwas anders sein. In Englisch und in Deutsch! Viel Spass beim Lesen!
It was Frances Crisol’s husband Jerby Corsiga who introduced her to jump rope as a workout.
“He was a fitness enthusiast, the typical buff dude with a lifetime gym membership,” she said.
Crisol is a self-confessed former “fat kid” who recalls being body shamed during her years in elementary school. She told Lifestyle, “In high school, I vowed to lose weight and was successful. Since then, I have always tried to maintain my weight—not with some fancy diet or fitness routine which I could not really afford back then but by moving a lot and being mindful of what I ate to keep off unwanted pounds.”
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