You plan to move to the Philippines? Wollen Sie auf den Philippinen leben?

There are REALLY TONS of websites telling us how, why, maybe why not and when you'll be able to move to the Philippines. I only love to tell and explain some things "between the lines". Enjoy reading, be informed, have fun and be entertained too!

Ja, es gibt tonnenweise Webseiten, die Ihnen sagen wie, warum, vielleicht warum nicht und wann Sie am besten auf die Philippinen auswandern könnten. Ich möchte Ihnen in Zukunft "zwischen den Zeilen" einige zusätzlichen Dinge berichten und erzählen. Viel Spass beim Lesen und Gute Unterhaltung!

Visitors of germanexpatinthephilippines/Besucher dieser Webseite.Ich liebe meine Flaggensammlung!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Philippine Long Distance Company and its goals

PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone -Company-) has been my sponsor for six months for my former radio show "Classics at Night"on an FM station in Davao City together with "Deutsche Welle" (the "German International BBC") as a rebroadcasting partner.

Some of my in-laws are still working with and for PLDT.

Please bear with me, if PLDT feels great to be a winner! I am not talking about PLDT's 3rd quarter results, which shows a core net income up to 11% to 31 billion PHP! Allow me, my dear readers, to mention the Quill Awards!

PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telephone) and SMART received a total of 13 Quill Awards from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), one of the world's most prestigious of business communicators.

The Philippine Quill Awards of Excellence and Merit are conferred to organizations that have the highest level  of thought leadership, strategic management, creativity, resourefulness and succesful solutions.

SMART Communications also bagged eight Quill Awards including three awards for its various communication campaigns and programs for 'Tipid Sulit  Pinas!"

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Minus 6 Grad und Schneefall/6 degress below Zero and Snowfall

Waehrend ich diese Zeilen schreibe, erhalte ich gerade den neuesten Wetterbericht aus Deutschland. Nun, ich war noch nie ein Freund vom Winter. Vielleicht war dies auch ein Grund, warum ich immer in die Heimat meiner Familie auswandern wollte. So sah es in unserer Umgebung am 1.1.2005 (Neujahr) aus. Aehnlich ist es auch heute, wenn auch der Himmel wolkenverhangen ist und gelegentliche Regenschauer ueber uns herniedergehen. Frohe Weihnachten!

While writing this post, I am receiving the last weather forecast from Germany. Honestly, I have never been a fan of winter time. Maybe this has been one reason for me and my family to move to the Philippines for good. Watch the photo: that's how our surroundings looked like on New Year 2005. Today it's very cloudy with some rain showers. Anyway: Merry Christmas!

Climate Changes - where is the end of the tunnel?

Every time I stayed on one of my favourite islands in the Davao Gulf, I experienced the same worries of the people living there. Yes Sir, the sea level is rising... .

I took this photo during my last visit in a beach resort. I know this place since 26 years. High tide... . Yes, even several years ago I could sit down there and enjoy my lunch. Now tables and chairs have been removed while high tide... .

After two weeks of discussion in Copenhagen/Denmark, an outline plan to tackle climate change was finally hammered out. But the deal has been strongly criticized for not setting tough limits on emissions. The UN-climate talks avoided a total collapse by skirting bitter opposition from several nations to a deal championed by the United States of America and five emerging economies.

And? Where is the end of the tunnel?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Song of Christmas

Christmas, the song, awakens our hardened hearts and move us to create a hopefully better world. Maybe a new earth and new people at last - if we allow ourselves to be showered by the real spirit of our Lord.

Christmas, this great day bears the message that God is with us. He has not abandoned his world, and even in the darkest moments of our time.We might live in corrupt and dirty times, as we experienced daily and as many people like to preach us more and more.

Let us not despair then even if difficulties rise before us, either in our personal lives or in the life of humanity. Christmas holiday should be spent at home where love binds us together. Somebody has prepared delicious food for the Media Noche. We have brought our gifts for every one. My family and i happily arrange our gifts under the colorful Christmas tree.

On the streets everybody lingers around. Houses are well lighted, there's music, there's is laughter, noise. Enemies hopefully come into reconciliation; jealous hearts change. Rich and poor people try to overcome their mutual gaps in life for this very special season.

Next year nobody can tell how we might celebrate Christmas again. Will it be the same? Will it be with a difference? We therefore hope the best.

This will be my 10th Christmas as an expat in the Philippines. Meanwhile the culture shock has gone.

Merry Christmas to all of you my dear readers. And: PEACE all over the world!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Classic Concert TO END POLIO IN THE PHILIPPINES a BIG SUCCESS/Klassisches Konzert in Davao grosser Erfolg!

My friend and President of the Rotary Club of East Davao Ronald Go voiced it out: "As we fast approach Christmas and the end of this year, I am ecstatic over the results of our recently concluded fund raising activity, which we held last December 5, 2009. We practically filled the CAP auditorium with a crowd of 900 or more people... . Generally, I believe those who went, truly enjoyed the concert and more importantly our club earned a substantial amount allowing us to contribute to the Polio plus program of Rotary International." Very well stated, Ronnie.

As event chairman I also love to express my deepest gratitude to the Four Davao Pianist Ladies Daphne Cabaguio Jocson, Mila Cabaguio Jocson, Evelyn Abellera Magno and Ma. Luisa Fucoy Montero for a wonderful and unforgettable enchanting evening. A big thanks to the event sponsor Smart Communications, Inc. and a lot of sponsors and benefactors, such as Gov. Rodolfo del Rosario, Stanfilco - Dole Philippines Inc., PAGCOR Davao City, Mayor Rodrigo R. Duterte, Vice Mayor Inday Sara Duterte, Hon. Councilor Mabel Acosta, Davao Light and Power, Kia Motors, Bureau of Customs, and many many more.

From the bottom of my heart I also like to thank all Rotary Club member's, spouses and friends. Without them this event wouldn't have been so successful. Maraming salamat and Mabuhay!


No, one can't scatter a person's ashes in the sea or the air, nor keep the urn in your home. I have heard such things many times - and, I saw the family grave somewhere on a big lot and compound... .

In 1963, shortly after Vatican II the Catholic church "determined that cremation was no longer absolutely forbidden. Only with the New Code of Canon Law (1983) did the Church lift the prohibition.

Monsignor Joselito C. de Asis, JCD, assistant secretary general of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines and a canon lawyer, who completed his doctoral studies in Rome informed, that the CBCP has issued a number of guidelines, such as follows:

- Cremation may take place before or after the funeral mass.
- After cremation, the ashes are to be placed in a worthy urn and brought reverently to the place of burial.
- The cremated remains should be buried in a grave, mausoleum or columbarium. The practice of scattering the ashes in the sea or from the air is not keeping with the Church's norm regarding the proper disposal of the remains of the dead. 
- The urn holding the ashes should not be kept permanently at home for family altar... .


Der Kulturschock (Teil 2)

Wie ich schon im ersten Teil erwaehnte: der verspaetete Kulturschock trifft jeden. Risse im Paradies. Permanent leben auf den Philippinen heisst nicht, nur Urlaub zu machen.

In vielen anderen Teilen Asiens wird die Andersartigkeit durch die Sprachbarriere oder andere Kleidung und Traditionen sehr schnell und klar herausgestellt. Filipinos allerdings fuehren mit vielen westlichen Einfluessen in die Irre. Einige Aspekte des Lebens der Filipinos werden uns Expats wahrscheinlich fuer immer fremdbleiben. Sie haben die Wurzeln in der uralten Vorgeschichte und sind oftmals die Auswirkungen der spanischen und amerikanischen Kolonisierung.

Es ist auf alle Faelle vorteilhaft, in Alltagsangelegenheiten, wo man als Expat mit Filipinos zusammenkommt, Erlaubtes und Verbotenes, das Tun und Lassen und die allgemeinen Umgangsformen im Alltag der Filipinos mit der Zeit zu lernen - und auch mit anzuwenden.

(Mehr dazu demnaechst hier in Teil 3)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Manila/Philippinen gibt hiermit bekannt, dass am Mittwoch, dem 27. Januar 2010 von 9:00 bis 12:30 und von 14:00 bis 16:00 ein Konsularsprechtag stattfinden wird im Business Center Davao, Inc. (BCD), G/Floor, BCD Training Center, SME-Union Ave., 8000 Davao City; Tel./Fax (082) 297-0739. Ansprechpartner ist der Leiter der Rechts- und Konsularabteilung der Deutschen Botschaft, der Erste Sekretaer, Herr KLAUS MUELLER.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur noch Antraege auf Ausstellung vorlaeufiger Reisepaesse und Kinderreisepaesse - nicht jedoch Antraege auf Europapaesse entgegengenommen werden koennen.

Weitere Informationen und Formulare finden Sie unter


The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Manila/Philippines would like to inform you that the Head of the Legal and Consular Section, the First Secretary Mr. KLAUS MUELLER, will hold office on Wednesday, the 27nd January 2010. Visit our website for more information and application forms

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Season is Thoughts

The most awaited season of the year has finally come. The most joyous month is here at least. At times it makes me really wonder what life would be without December. Something is indeed very special on this season, which brings about changes not only in the atmosphere but also in our zest of life and living.

Yes, the air begins to get cooler especially in the mornings when the field and remaining forests are embraced and kissed by the fog that slowly descends upon the earth. The first streak of light that pierces the darkness of earth is the sign of life. the stillness of the dawn which has long been awakened by the crowning of the fowls and singing of the birds only add more color and harmony to the many fabrics of creation, all for the beauty of life and for the joy of mankind.

Yes, we may not have snow in the Philippines to behold and touch as the music lanes blast to the tune of 'White Christmas' like I grew up in my home country Germany. But out in the grassy fields, as you feel the earth with your feet, the fog and the dew give testimony that the earth is still full of life.

December is Christmas, although Christmas in the Philippines is much more different then in Germany. I am looking forward to my 10th Christmas in the Philippines. I love it here. I learned something here: December and Christmas should be the song to awaken our hardened hearts, to touch those people around us, who might have waited a long time for such a move.

Einen frohen und besinnlichen 1. Advent!

Hochzeitspaten auf den Philippinen: Ninong und Ninang

Ich glaube, dieses war die 45. Hochzeit, bei der ich als Pate eingeladen wurde. Criselda (eine meiner frueheren Deutschstudentinnen) heiratete Thomas aus Deutschland.

I guess, it has been the 45th wedding for me being invited as godfather (or Ninong). Criselda (one of my students) got married to Thomas from Germany.

Hochzeitspaten auf den Philippinen nehmen immer Ehrenplaetze ein. Anders als der Taufpate legt sich der Hochzeitspate ueber Nacht zwei erwachsene Kinder zu, die dabei sind, verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben in der Gesellschaft zu uebernehmen, so dass seine Verpflichtung, beim Aufbau einer Karriere zu helfen, viel unmittelbar auf ihn zukommt. Nun, man ist nicht allein in der Verantwortung. Oftmals waehlt das Brautpaar 20 und mehr ninongs and ninangs aus.

Aufwendige Feiern koennen nicht nur eine Anzahl von Paten auf den Plan rufen, sondern auch einen Begleitzug von Blumenmaedchen, einen Ringetraeger, eine Ehrenjungfer, Kerzenspender, Band- und Schleierspender. Hochzeiten laufen nach einem fuer philippinische Verhaeltnisse strikten Zeitplan ab.

Eine Hochzeit auf den Philippinen ist immer ein grossartiges Erlebnis.