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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Five chorales and a symphony bring holiday cheer on Dec. 17


Dec 12, 2024 12:07 PM



Featured soloists are Katherine Molina (soprano), Jai Sabas Aracama (alto), Francisco Aseniero (tenor), and Jonaf del Fierro (bass), with Augusto Espino (harpsichordist) and Josefino Chino Toledo (conductor).


The University of the Philippines Symphony Orchestra (UPSO), together with five UP singing groups that won international awards in 2024, will bring holiday festivities to a crescendo in “Tayo Ay Mangagsi-awit: Pasko sa Diliman ay Sumapit” on Dec. 17, 6 p.m. at the University Theater in UP Diliman.

Watch the UP Concert Chorus, UP Manila Chorale, UP Los Baños Choral Ensemble, Novo Concertante Manila, and acapella group Iskollas share the stage with the university’s 70-piece “Orkestra ng Bayan.”

Featured soloists are Katherine Molina (soprano), Jai Sabas Aracama (alto), Francisco Aseniero (tenor), and Jonaf del Fierro (bass), with Augusto Espino (harpsichordist) and Josefino Chino Toledo (conductor). 

The concert tickets are P300 each and available at the theater entrance, or go /AHAPasko to buy online.

Excerpts from Handel’s Messiah and other well-loved Christmas music will be among the highly anticipated performances at the 2,000-seat venue in UP Diliman. 

The famous Messiah is one of Western classical music's most frequently heard choral works

In Dublin, an English oratorio composed by George Frideric Handel and librettist Charles Jennens, Messiah, was performed for the first time in 1742. It has become a staple of the Christmas and Easter seasons for its elaborate arias, recitatives, and choruses.

"Hallelujah Chorus” is perhaps the most famous section of Messiah and is revered by audiences who rise to their feet as a long-standing tradition.

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