Spend more time with people who lift you up instead of those who pull you down.
Do you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rested? Do you feel nourished, healthy, and strong? Do you make time to participate in the things you enjoy? Are you comfortable saying no?
If you said yes to all of these, you are doing so well in taking care of your well-being. If you said no to most of these questions then you’re in trouble. It’s time to seriously reflect on how much you love yourself. It may sound selfish but it is what it is. You cannot give love when you are empty. It will just lead to burnout and eventually bitterness, depression, and resentment. It will compromise your mental and emotional well-being.
If you drive yourself too hard to accomplish tasks for others and fail to prioritize your own health, you may be achieving a lot of things and fulfilling responsibilities. However, since you are always stressed out, your fight and flight response is always activated. This results to a compromised immune system, hormonal imbalances, and oxidative stress that damage not only cells but eventually organs. It will inevitably manifest in the form of full-blown diseases.
Have you ever wondered why you aren’t losing weight? Why is your belly area protruding? Are you having chronic aches and pains? Do you easily get infected with the flu? You need to start taking care of yourself now. Restore balance to your immune system and quell the inflammatory response in your body that is the root cause of whatever it is that ails you.
In over two decades of private practice as a registered nutritionist dietitian, I observed two groups of people who came to see me for guidance. The majority are those who are already suffering from symptoms of diseases. The second group is composed of individuals and families who want to pursue optimum health to prevent getting sick. Thus, becoming a burden to their loved ones. The latter group has steadily been growing in numbers, especially post-pandemic.
If you wish to take charge of your health today, here are some areas that you need to work on:
Your food intake
It isn’t about just going on a diet. It’s the type of food that you consume that truly matters. Processed food may taste better and is more convenient to eat but it lacks the nutrients that your body needs to function optimally. Instead of eating a burger meal, rice with vegetables, and for those who prefer animal protein, a small portion of fish or lean meat will suffice. Instead of having junk food for snack like fries, you can have a fruit or boiled sweet potato. If you’re craving for chocolate, have a pure cocoa drink or dark chocolate bar.
There is a reason why you feel sluggish, moody, and weak. It’s the toxins in addition to the lack of nutrients from the food that you’re consuming. Incorporate life-giving food from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Avoid or go easy on sugar, fatty food, fast food, and processed food. Don’t drink your calories in the form of milky and sugary beverages. Try plain water, tea, or black coffee instead. The next time you eat something unhealthy, think about how that is considered an act of unloving yourself. If you truly love yourself, you’d be intentional in nourishing your body.
Rest and relaxation
When was the last time you took time to relax, take a nap, and breathe deeply? Do you engage in stress-reducing activities that do not include screen time or gadgets? Entertainment does not equate to rest and relaxation. If you’re binge-watching TV shows or scrolling on social media for long hours, then you aren’t resting. Activities that promote rest and relaxation include sleep and napping, prayer and meditation, expressing yourself creatively through art and music, breathing exercises, spending time in nature, taking a stroll, and spending time with the people who make you laugh.
There are individuals who feel guilty whenever they need to take a rest or have a downtime. You are human. Even God rested on the seventh day. Let us normalize respecting our rest days. The problem is, we are too shy to let people down. We care so much about the opinions of others. Practice saying no and setting boundaries. It is ok to let people know that you need time off to recharge so you can be more productive. Initially, it may be uncomfortable but you will reap the benefits of allowing yourself to rest and relax.
The company that you keep
Self-care is not just about taking care of your physical well-being. The spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects are equally important and must not be neglected. We can’t have a perfect life in this imperfect world. We can, however, make a conscious effort to let go of toxic people and situations. Do you spend more time with people who make you feel down or those who refresh you? There are times when we need to help people who are in need of emotional support but we need to take a breather too. Spend more time with people who lift you up instead of those who pull you down. Those who inspire you to learn and become a better person. The company that you keep includes those who are in your social media contacts. What you read, watch, and listen to greatly impacts your psychological health. Let go of contacts that only feed you toxic content. It is acceptable to unfollow or unfriend if that person robs you of peace.
If you truly want to become a better person to be able to help others, you must help yourself first by being intentional about taking care of yourself.
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